Shipping charges


Shipping charges

KEMOTON GROUP Ltd. offers you several ways of shipping our products. Please check the table below for more information.


We offer a variety of services depending on your needs:

Delivery modeDescriptionRemarkPrice
EconomicalWithin 3-5 business days(7 AM-7 PM)Only weekdays (orders received before 2 PM)FREE*
Delivery within 48 hours2 working days(8 AM-6 PM)Only weekdays (orders received before 2 PM)29,90 kn
PACKAGE Express – next dayThe next workday (8 AM to noon)Only weekdays (orders received before 2 PM)59,90 kn

* Free shipping (minimum order of 375 kn)

Important information: We do not guarantee delivery to the islands in the written time.

Note: Orders received after 4 PM will be processed the next day, which will make service shipping to move to another workday. Orders placed on Thursdays after 4 PM will be delivered to the address next workday, which is the Monday next week. For orders placed during non-working day (Saturday or Sunday) will be processed on Monday.

You will have the option to update your shipping with one of the following services:

Delivery next day does not include items that are not indicated on the stock.

Packages whose weight exceeds 25kg may incur additional costs. In this case you will receive a notification after we receive the order.

If we do not contact you, due to the volume of shipments please wait a period of 7 working days before contacting our customer service. Delivery time is approximate and may be prolonged due to various circumstances beyond our control.

Delivery will not be executed on Sundays and public holidays.

Delivery time will vary for items that are not indicated on the stock.

Countries in the region

We are able to offer a fixed-price delivery in most European countries. Unless otherwise indicated, our fixed prices do not include import duties, charges or any kind of customs duties and will not be liable for such amounts. Once received the order, we will contact you with more information.

Delivery inService descriptionDelivery (workdays)Price
BiHPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€18,75
SerbiaPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€18,75

Other EU countries

Delivery inService descriptionDelivery (workdays)Price
AustriaPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€18,75
BelgiumPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
BulgariaPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
Czech RepublicPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€18,75
DenmarkPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
EstoniaPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
FinlandPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
FrancePACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
GermanyPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€18,75
GreecePACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
HungaryPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€18,75
ItalyPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€18,75
LithuaniaPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
LatviaPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
LuxembourgPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
NetherlandsPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
PolandPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
PortugalPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
RomanianPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
SlovakiaPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€18,75
SloveniaPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€18,75
SpainPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00
SwedenPACKAGE CLASSICWithin 3-5 wordays€25,00

Services Free delivery and Next day delivery are not available for orders outside the Croatian.

Packages whose weight exceeds 25kg may incur additional costs. In this case you will receive a notification after we receive the order.

Delivery will not be executed on Sundays and public holidays.

Delivery time will vary for items that are not indicated on the stock.


Cjenik dostave

KEMOTON GRUPA nudi Vam niz usluga dostave. Molimo Vas da provjerite tablicu za više informacija.


Nudimo Vam niz  usluga ovisno o Vašim potrebama:

Usluga dostaveOpisNapomenaCijena
EkonomičnaU roku 3-5 radna dana(07:00-19:00h)Samo radnim danom(narudžbe pristigle prije 14h)BESPLATNO*
Super Ušteda- dostava u roku 48 sati2 radna dana(08:00-18:00h)Samo radnim danom (narudžbe pristigle prije 14h)29,90 kn
PAKET Express – sljedeći danSljedeći radni dan (08:00-12:00h)Samo radnim danom (narudžbe pristigle prije 14h)59,90 kn

*Besplatna dostava (minimalna narudžba 375 kn)

Važna informacija: Dostavu na otoke ne garantiramo u ovom vremenskom roku.

Napomena: Narudžbe zaprimljene poslije 16h biti će obrađene idućeg dana, te će se time usluga dostave pomaknuti za još jedan radni dan.  Narudžbe  poslane četvrtkom poslije 16h biti će dostavljene na adrese sljedeći radni dan, a to je sljedeći ponedjeljak. Za narudžbe poslane tijekom neradnog dana (subota ili nedjelja) biti će obrađene u ponedjeljak.

Imati ćete opciju ažuriranja Vaše dostave s jednom od sljedećih usluga:

Dostava sljedećeg dana ne uključuje predmete koji nisu naznačeni na lageru.

Ako su Vaši predmeti prevelike težine (preko 25kg) mogu nastati dodatni troškovi. U tom slučaju dobiti ćete obavijest nakon što zaprimimo narudžbu.

Ukoliko mi Vas ne kontaktiramo, Zbog obujma pošiljki molimo Vas da pričekate period od 7 radnih dana prije nego što kontaktirate našu službu za korisnike. Vrijeme dostave je aproksimativno i može biti prolongirano zbog različitih okolnosti koje su izvan naše kontrole.

Dostave se neće vršiti nedjeljama i praznicima.

Vrijeme dostave će varirati za predmete koji nisu naznačeni na lageru.

Države u regiji

U mogućnosti smo Vam ponuditi fiksne cijene isporuka u većini europskih zemalja. Ukoliko nije drukčije naznačeno, naše fiksne cijene ne uključuju uvozne pristojbe, troškove ili bilo kakvu vrstu carine te nećemo biti odgovorni za takve iznose.  Nakon pristigle narudžbe, kontaktirati ćemo Vas sa više informacija.

Usluga dostave zaOpis uslugeDostava(radni dani)Cijena
BiHPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€18,75
SrbijaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€18,75

Ostale zemlje EU

Usluga dostave zaOpis uslugeDostava(radni dani)Cijena
AustrijaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€18,75
BelgijaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
BugarskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
ČeškaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€18,75
DanskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
EstonijaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
FinskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
FrancuskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
NjemačkaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€18,75
GrčkaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
MađarskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€18,75
ItalijaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€18,75
LitvaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
LatvijaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
LuksemburgPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
NizozemskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
PoljskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
PortugalPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
RumunjskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
SlovačkaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€18,75
SlovenijaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€18,75
ŠpanjolskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00
ŠvedskaPAKET CLASSIC uslugaU roku 3-5 radnih dana€25,00

Usluge Besplatna dostava i Dostava sljedeći dan nisu dostupne za narudžbe izvan Hrvatske.

Ako Vaš predmet spada u kategoriju izvangabaritnih (preko 25kg) biti će Vam naplaćeni dodatni troškovi. U tom slučaju biti ćete obaviješteni nakon što pošaljete narudžbu.

Dostava se neće vršiti nedjeljama i praznicima.

Vrijeme dostave će varirati za predmete koji nisu naznačeni na lageru.